Acta Linguistica is a scholarly, peer-reviewed international journal published regularly (up to 4 issues yearly) by Eurasia Academic Publishers. The Manager and Editorial Team solicit papers on all aspects of theoretical and applied linguistics. Articles shall be written in English, Russian, or German in compliance with the Submission Rules.
Acta Linguistica meets the international standards in metadata representation of academic journals.
ISSN 1313-2296 (print), ISSN 1313-2490 (online)
Acta Linguistica
Vol 9, No 2 (2015)
Table of Contents
Die Morphometaphorizität: Die Dritte Wortbildungstechnik. Teil II – Die Parameter und die Skalen der Morphometaphorizität | |
Grazia Crocco Galèas |
Pre-Indo-European Relics: the *borm- Root in the European Pre-Latin Context | |
Francesco Perono Cacciafoco |
Digit Ratio as a Predictor of Language Development and Media Preferences in Kindergarten Children | |
Benjamin P. Lange |
Болгарские бессоюзные сложные предложения в сопоставлении с русскими | |
Alla Gradinarova |
Intertextual Symbolism, Gullah and Language Conflict in Daughters of the Dust | |
Sanja Škifić, Rajko Petković |
Figure-Ground Relations in Human-Computer Dialogue Modeling | |
Olena Begal |
Review of Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2014: New Empirical and Theoretical Paradigms | |
Li Xin |
Published by Eurasia Academic Publishers